My Idea

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Wandering around the Farmer's Market the day I came up with the idea to try 365 different vegetables, the first vegetable that came to mind, other than that unusual Garlic Scape, was the tomatillo. They always catch my eye when I'm walking the aisles of my local produce market. I'm often tempted to buy some, going as far as picking them up and selecting a few that I think "look good". But then I notice my hands are sticky and the funny "wrapper" keeps sticking to me. Panicked, I quickly take them out of my basket and promptly put them back in the crate in which they came from. What am I thinking? I know nothing about this funny, green "tomato" that looks like it's wrapped parchment paper. Why would I ever attempt to cook with it? Now I know! It has a great tangy, almost citrus flavor but remains savory. Admittedly, I did what most people do with the tomatillo, I made salsa. Understandably though, it makes a great salsa verde. I broiled the handful that I had along with some jalapenos. Carefully, picking out the peppers when all the vegggies were charred on the top, the juice that the jalepenos leaked out was just enough to spice up the salsa. Adding the roasted tomatillos, cilantro, garlic, red onion, lime juice and salt and pepper to a food processor, then blending, created a great quick and easy salsa. This is one veggie that I will not wait another 365 days to cook with again!

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