My Idea

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Red Beets

I had a hard time deciding which vegetable to count as one of my 365 today. Originally, the plan was for Tuesday's veggie was to be something portable and "snack-like". Planning a little better ahead than the last time I went into the city for the night, I picked up some edamame beans. I'm no stranger to these salty little treats and often have them when I go to my favorite hibachi restaurant, Nagoya in South Norwalk. I never think to pick them up to have at home though. This project of mine is starting to get me to think outside of the box, exactly what I had hope to accomplish. However, at dinner that night, unbeknownst to me, my salad came with a heaping pile of RED BEETS! I was like a deer in headlights. What to do? This was my chance to check the dreaded red beet off my list. So, out came my cellphone and like Ansel Adams and Produce Pete's love child, I snapped this shot. At that moment, it was decided, Tuesday's vegetable was Red Beets. My first thought was that perhaps the salad dressing will spice things about a bit and will make it a little more palatable. Nope! I'm not going to lie or sugar coat this. They were just plain gross. I just can't get passed the cold, dirt taste. Warmed with olive oil and some salt and pepper, like the golden beets the other night, they might possibly be "OK". But Cold? No Thank you! I knew I was right all these years.

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