Bok Choy. Bok Choy. It just plain fun to say. I've always "heard" of bok choy and I'm sure I've eaten it somewhere along the line, probably in Chinese take out, but I've never cooked with it. It's often overwhelming, looking at all the lettuces and leafy greens in the produce market. You stand there, looking at this field of green, not knowing what's what. Sure I can pick out the Romaine, you'd have to be an idiot not to know which one is the Iceberg and luckily Mesclun usually comes in it's own little box, as if it's too good to be with the rest of the "peasant greens". The produce market thinks they are being helpful by tacking up 3 dozen signs, indicating all the different lettuces on show in that case, but determining which is which is a whole other thing! Don't tease me with a sign saying "Watercress" and make me figure out what one it is! That is the knowledge I hope to gain by the end of 365 Vegetables. No fear at the lettuce case. Admittedly, the baby bok choy was easy to pick out because the produce market nicely had it in own little crate with a very clear sign indicating what it was. Searching for recipes to use the green, Martha Stewart offered a simple and quick recipe on her web site for sauteed baby bok choy, using soy sauce and chicken stock. My use of soy sauce has recently been cut back significantly for diet reasons and it was a very nice treat to use it in the recipe. It really gave it a nice Asian flavor and was a nice side along with a few grilled rib eyes. Still a little uneasy selecting from that big produce case of lettuces, I will cave in soon. Salads are one of my favorite meals (while dining out) and I need to conquer this fear in order to start serving up some great salads and greens at home!
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