My Idea

Friday, July 9, 2010

Orange Cauliflower

I knew right off the bat that the Orange Cauliflower wasn't going to taste much different than your plain Jane white version but 365 vegetables is a boat load of veggies and I can't afford to miss a single one! My suspicions were confirmed with the first bite. Yes, exactly the same texture and taste. However, upon doing some web surfing, I did find out some interesting facts about Orange Cauliflower. First off, it contains 25 times more vitamin A than it's stark cousin. That alone, would be enough make me grab the orange head over the white when at the grocery story. Secondly, let's be honest, it's just so much prettier and fun looking than it's counterpart. Granted, I only enjoyed the cauliflower as part of a crudites platter that had a yummy dip along side it but I can envision it standing out on the dinner plate with it's unusual hue, even going as far as possibly using a citrus glaze to accent it's color. In a nutshell, more vitamins, same taste, fun color.

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